Tuesday, October 2, 2007

PC's -- Slip Sliding Away

In what appears to be a last desperate attempt to appeal to a larger block of undecided voters Tory has backed away from his moral high ground on the Religious schools issue. Tory as I indicated yesterday is now saying that he will put this policy initiative up to a free vote -- the initiative will be modeled by former premier Bill Davis (the guy who gave public money to to the Catholic Schools. The moral high ground was that of fairness and quelling the terms of the UN criticism of Ontario. Guess the high ground gets pretty lonely sometimes.

McGuinty characterised this strategy as as divisive and that it would take up three years of the legislatures time unnecessarily. Not sure I agree with that, I think any debate where we look at current funding, and the integration of new and existing Canadians into the public school system is of value. The current system is divisive by its very nature, we need to do more to remove barriers to a quality education for all of Ontario's children.

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