Saturday, November 24, 2007

Toronto Star -- how low can they go?

Royston James this week published a op ed piece in the Star in which he suggested that the city's finances could be brought in line by each day hanging each of the city counselors in Nathan Phillips Square and charging admission. Now Royston being a black man obviously does not see the irony of his statement as compared to what happened in the American south not that long ago. You have to wonder of Royston was not a black man whether he would have been allowed to make those comments.

If you remember a couple of years ago the Star called for the armed over throw of the democratically Ontario Government -- the Harris Tory's. The said this was an op ed piece it just was not in the editorial pages of the Star.

How low can they go -- I am sure once someone takes the Star's advice to heart we will find out. Moron's the lot of them.

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