Friday, September 21, 2007

The Debate -- the killer blow

I heard a guy name Guido had some killer blow in the washroom at the debate -- really excellent stuff.

The debate in my opinion plodded on McGuinty being accused of broken promises, McGuinty attacking the former Harris Government and the former NDP government (liked Tory quip on Sir John A), Tory looking very well polished -- not really saying anything (except the broken promise thing), Hampton -- well nice try but really did not seem to even be part of the debate at times.

Now when I call it a debate I am doing so very loosely -- in most cases they did not really answer the questions or debate their answers -- we just went back to broken promises , accusations of negativity, and how terrible previous governments were.

The moderator Steve Paiken did an absolutely terrible job of keeping this anywhere on track -- this needs to be debate -- not a series of quotes for the media.

I am shocked the Toronto Star proclaimed McGuinty the winner based on the fact the other two did not land a killer blow. That unbiased bastion of honest reporting obviously was not in hte washroom with Guido.

In my opinion nobody won -- nor could they have it was not a debate! Guido however .......

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