Monday, September 3, 2007

Prudent -- what in the name of all that is%^&$# is that for a strategy

John Tory presented a prudent election campaign -- what is prudent -- is that showing leadership with health care, education, falling competitiveness, an auto sector that is going the way of the buggy whip manufacturers league. Just not sexy, and not the leadership that Ontario needs --maybe that is what he is peddling -- dependable leadership -- Tory(ies) need to repackage it to more than just that -- it should be aspirational leadership -- over the top and visionary. It should be driving the province to a better and more successful future -- it should be big and with cahonas!

McGuinty is rolling out the goodies -- not a day has passed in the last two months that we have not had an announcement for more money for this that or the other thing -- very little policy -- nothing new, just money. To the Liberals credit the voters are buying it -- they recognise the strategy is divisive -- pitting group against group in their struggle to get as much $$ as possible -- but it works. Boy does it work.

I have it on good authority the Tories are going to go negative -- looking for the Achilles heel -- nasty personal attacks on individual senior Ministers -- I also hear the Liberal are not worried -- they know they can sacrifice a few for the greater good -- all the while doling out the goodies and keeping their core team intact.

Boy is this going to be fun.

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