Sunday, September 30, 2007

High Gear -- for a tricycle

Looks like we are coming into the last critical weeks -- and well not much is happening.

The Liberal's seems to recognise their lead and have McGuinty talking about "Canada" issues. He ventured into the realm of foreign takeovers -- interesting territory -- and over the last couple of days has delivered a couple of good speeches -- good for a person who is about as exciting as dry toast. Though I did take exception to have all those new immigrants into the public school system -- oh yeah the one with funding going to the catholics -- yeah thats right.

Tory -- well why bother, religious school funding, privatise parts of health care, beer and wine in the corner store -- right with you bud.

Hampton -- is he campaigning -- oh yes tax the rich.

Miller -- I know he is not campaigning -- but he could actually speak to the candidates and get some attention for Toronto. Guess not too busy flying from conference to conference -- and talking about raising taxes. Idiot!

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